This girl is a blue Bi Merle. Very unique in color and her demeanor is the best.
She is 19 inches tall and is in the small Standard range.
Kodi is one of our mini girls. She is 16 inches tall and has very bold colors. She came from KNJ Aussies in Colorado. She is a wonder mother and has beautiful babies with wonderful temperaments
We pride ourselves on our adaptability and commitment to excellence in every aspect of our service. Explore what we have to offer and how we can contribute to your success.
Miss Candy is one of our home-grown pups with Personality! She is a harlequin red Merle and will be one of our breeders in 2025.
Oakley is the only girl we have that has a full tail. She came to us as a 3 year old. She is asdr registered.
She has Timberline parents top and bottom. 16 inches. Wonderful demeanor
Our Sophie is our toy girl. 12 inches tall with a super nice hair coat
This girl is stunning. She currently has a few puppies left on our Available Puppies page. She is registered a mini but she wickets 14 inches
Missy is such a great girl. She currently has puppies on our Available Puppies Page
Prissy is asdr registered. She is small and is one of our upcoming Dams
Up Coming Young Ladies
She is one of our new girls from KNJ Aussies that will be staying here.
I am excited to have this girl in our program.
This girl is going to be a great asset to our toy program.